
Even if we take a photo with the same subject, a completely different result is created depending on the angle and the amount of light.

- The glaring afternoon sunlight or the soft moonlight of dawn.

- Candles and bulbs that add to the atmosphere in a dark room.

- A spotlight in the studio that shines on people or objects.

- Shadows that help to accentuate the light more.

- All kinds of neon signs that stand out clearly even at night.

- The trace of the headlight tails back in the dark.

- Light passing through clear objects such as glass or water drop.

You can make an ordinary moment into a great photograph by using the light well. Light up your photo with the light you captured.


- Only images containing a TAG ‘Lightcontest’ will be considered the contest entries.

- Only images uploaded for the first time will be accepted.

- Only submit images you own copyright.

- Winners shall claim the prize by selling their winning images to Fotoboss within 10 days from the winner announcement date.

- It is up to winners whether you sell winning images or not. But please note that cash prizes will be given only to the winner who sells his/her winning image to Fotoboss.

- Cash prizes will be sent via Paypal. If you do not have an active Paypal account, we recommend you to reconsider submitting an entry for the contest.

- Please do not submit the same image to several different contests. 1 image must have 1 contest tag only.

- Super Wednesday campaign is not applicable to images submitted to a contest.

- All images submitted to Fotoboss will be licensed free to use for any purpose.

- Do not upload images that contains any pornographic, racist, defamatory, immoral, or unlawful content.